HyperClear: Laser Solution for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

An advanced laser system designed to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) with precision, providing effective tissue removal, improved urinary flow, and minimal downtime for enhanced patient outcomes.

HyperClear represents an innovative laser therapy system designed to effectively remove surplus prostatic tissue in benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Leveraging the LIFE (Laser-Induced Fiber Enucleation) method, HyperClear applies precise laser energy via a flexible fiber placed transurethrally to the obstructive zone, ablating the excess prostate tissue responsible for lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). This approach may be performed outpatient—often with local anesthesia—enhancing patient comfort while maintaining efficacy and safety.

High-Precision Laser Fiber
  • Optimized Energy Delivery: The laser fiber is advanced through the urethra to the blocked area, targeting surplus prostate tissue while minimizing collateral damage.
  • LIFE Method: Focused on selective tissue vaporization or enucleation, ensuring clean resection planes and predictable tissue removal.
  • Local Anesthesia: Allows many patients to undergo the procedure without the risks or recovery times associated with general anesthesia.
  • Rapid Recovery: Less invasive than conventional transurethral resections, potentially reducing hospital stays and improving patient throughput.
  • Precise Tissue Identification: Endoscopic imaging guides the laser fiber to the obstructive tissue, ensuring thorough clearance of the prostatic urethra.
  • Controlled Ablation: The surgeon can finely tune laser energy to match the tissue’s vascularity and density, limiting the risk of deep thermal damage.
  • Targeted Laser Ablation: Precisely removes hyperplastic prostate segments that hinder urine flow, preserving healthy tissue zones.
  • Hemostatic Effect: Laser energy also cauterizes small vessels during tissue vaporization, reducing intraoperative bleeding.

Clinical Advantages & Applications

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
  • Symptomatic Relief: Alleviates classic LUTS such as frequent urination, weak urine stream, and prolonged emptying times.
  • Patient Selection: Suited for patients with moderate-to-severe BPH who seek a less invasive alternative to standard TURP or open prostatectomy.
  • Outpatient Possibility: Potentially performed under local anesthesia, minimizing hospitalization and facilitating early mobilization.
  • Lower Bleeding Risk: Laser-based enucleation or vaporization significantly reduces hemorrhage compared to mechanical resection methods.
  • Shorter Convalescence: Many patients resume daily activities sooner, with less postoperative discomfort or catheterization durations.
  • Reduced Need for General Anesthesia: Local or spinal anesthesia lessens systemic risks, beneficial for older or comorbid patients.

Technical Specifications

Specification Detail / Value
Product Name CytroFIX® Superior Clavicula Plates
Material High-Purity Titanium Alloy (e.g., Ti-6Al-4V ELI)
Plate Profile Low-profile, contoured for superior clavicle placement
Locking Mechanism Locking or non-locking titanium screws; optional variable-angle locking
Screw Diameter 2.7 mm or 3.5 mm (titanium cortical screws, depending on hole specification)
Plate Thickness ~2.0–2.5 mm (minimized profile)
Hole Array Multiple holes for bridging, compression, or combined fixation patterns
Radiopacity Titanium visible on fluoroscopy (optional etched markers)
Sterility Provided non-sterile (autoclavable) or sterile, single use or reusable instrumentation (verify product line)
Shelf Life Indefinite if stored properly; reusable within recommended inspection cycles
Clinical Indications Midshaft/lateral clavicle fractures requiring superior plating, osteotomies, nonunion correction
Regulatory Compliance Conforms to ISO 13485, CE/FDA (region-specific), meets orthopedic implant standards

Size & Ordering Matrix

Plate Length (mm) Hole Count Curvature Compatible Screw Product Code Notes
60 4 Mild Superior Bend 2.7 mm Locking/Non-Locking CFX-SCL-60-4-27-Ti Shorter plate for smaller fractures in lateral or mid-shaft
70 5 Mild Superior Bend 2.7 mm Locking/Non-Locking CFX-SCL-70-5-27-Ti Extended coverage for mild to moderate fractures
80 5 Moderate Superior Bend 2.7 or 3.5 mm Locking CFX-SCL-80-5-MX-Ti Bridges midshaft fractures with variable-angle options
90 6 Moderate Superior Bend 3.5 mm Locking/Non-Locking CFX-SCL-90-6-35-Ti For larger or multi-fragment fractures requiring robust support
100 7 Enhanced Superior Contour 3.5 mm Locking/Non-Locking CFX-SCL-100-7-35-Ti Accommodates more complex or extended fracture lines
110 8 Enhanced Superior Contour 3.5 mm Locking/Non-Locking CFX-SCL-110-8-35-Ti Longest plate design for challenging multi-segment fractures