A specialized embolization agent formulated to target and reduce blood flow to hemorrhoidal vessels, promoting effective symptom relief and healing in a minimally invasive manner.
A specialized sclerosant or adhesive formula aimed at non-thermal varicose vein elimination, requiring minimal anesthesia and short procedure time.
A cyanoacrylate embolic adhesive for vascular or AVM occlusion, offering quick polymerization upon contact with blood, ensuring stable vessel seal and minimal artifact.
A non-adhesive liquid embolic system combining EVOH, DMSO, and tantalum for controlled devascularization of AVMs or tumor feeding vessels, ensuring precise deployment without permanent vessel adherence.
A multisided plug device for vascular or aneurysmal occlusion, achieving reliable embolization in peripheral or saccular expansions with minimal migration.
A detachable coil system for intracranial or peripheral aneurysm coiling, featuring instant mechanical detachment and optimized volumetric packing.
A multilayer flow-diverting construct for intracranial aneurysms, redirecting blood flow away from the aneurysm sac while maintaining essential branch perfusion.
A detachable coil kit for embolization of peripheral aneurysms, AV fistulas, or abnormal vessels, providing stable coil packing with controlled mechanical detachment.